Labor Day 2023

Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers observed on the first Monday in September. It originated in the late nineteenth century as labor activists pushed for recognition of their contributions to the United States’ strength and prosperity. Before becoming a federal holiday, individual states passed laws recognizing Labor Day, with Oregon being the first state to do so in 1887. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and Congress passed an act making it a legal holiday on June 28th of that year. Today, many Americans celebrate with parades and festivities similar to those outlined in the original proposal – street parades showcasing trade and labor organizations' strength, followed by recreational activities for workers and their families!

American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to its great production, and the labor movement brought us closer to greater economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute to American workers on Labor Day. This holiday honors not only their contributions but also their sacrifices and hard work.

Labor Day embodies American values like freedom, hard work, and sacrifice. Freedom is a fundamental right all Americans enjoy, and the labor movement fought for fair treatment and better working conditions. Hard work represents the dedication and perseverance of workers who built this country, and sacrifice symbolizes the struggles they endured to achieve their goals. Their efforts have created unprecedented prosperity and strength for our nation. As we celebrate Labor Day, let us remember these principles that make America great – freedom, hard work, and sacrifice.

Here at Critical Systems, inc., we are firm believers that it is only by the labor of the people that great things can be accomplished. Labor Day encapsulates that and helps remind us not only that our ancestors’ efforts paved the way for our own prosperity, but our own efforts can help help future generations thrive.

Labor Day is an essential holiday that recognizes the sacrifices and achievements of American workers. It embodies many values that have made America a powerful nation. Let's honor these ideals as we celebrate the contributions of laborers who have shaped our country into what it is today. Happy Labor Day!

Ian Lucas

Ian Lucas works as the Digital Media Specialist for Critical Systems, Inc. In this role, Ian leads media production, planning, and publishing. Additionally, Ian heads online marketing and web development. Ian strives to create media for the CSI family that is both educational and entertaining. Ian has a passion for creating things, particularly games of all mediums.


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